Quan niệm về phụ nữ trong chủ nghĩa nữ quyền Pháp

Quan niệm về phụ nữ trong chủ nghĩa nữ quyền Pháp

Lý Ngọc Ý Nhi lyngocyennhi.cs2@ftu.edu.vn ĐH Ngoại thương cs TPHCM
The concept of women of French feminism with the “gender” approach plays an important role in this theory and movement to protect women’s rights in France and around the world in the second half of the twentieth century. By comparing with the concept of Simone de Beauvoir - one of the typical French feminists who has a direct influence on the formation and development of French feminism - the article aims to analyze the trend of gender differences in the concept of women of French feminism, pointing out its significance for the path of women’s liberation that this theory initiates, and at the same time reflecting the development of French feminist thought in general, thereby suggesting a more theoretical approach in the process of implementing gender equality in Vietnam.
gender equality
French feminism
How to Cite: 
Lý Ngọc Ý Nhi, ,2023, Quan niệm về phụ nữ trong chủ nghĩa nữ quyền Pháp, WOMEN'S SCIENCE JOURNAL, 28-35, 22, (http://tapchikhoahoc.hvpnvn.edu.vn/quan-niem-ve-phu-nu-trong-chu-nghia-nu-quyen-phap-0)

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